Friday, July 15, 2011

I made my new character and I am ready to go!

Ok, so I created my character on a random realm. I chose the default class and race that I was given which was an orc hunter, on the realm Hydraxis.
I leveled up to 5 from the starter zone quests when to orgrimmar and I learned mining and herbalism. These two gathering professions have the greatest potential for profit each day. The more you farm the more money you make. I set my hearth for orgrimmar and I started to farm. I follow a specific route for farming as shown here.

When following this route you want to mine all of the copper you can find, and pick all of the herbs you pass. While farming you also want to kill the mobs around you, you can loot them and vendor the trash and you get experience to help level up. Remember to go to the town to learn your new skills whenever you can because the better your skills the faster you kill mobs and make money.

I will update you tomorrow with what I got from farming and how to post it on the auction house easily!

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