Saturday, July 16, 2011

Leona, The Radiant Dawn - My Opinion

Leona is the newest character in the league. She is the first female tank to enter the league in its existence.

In her lore she is given her power as a gift from the sun, this is also goes with her move names Shield of Daybreak, Eclipse, and Solar Flare. Currently (Pre-Patch) she is an overall good champion with good base stats. 595 HP scaling +87 each level, 36 armor and magic resist which makes her a threatening tank early game, with good summoner spells and her stun. Leona could easily snag you those 2 early ganks to help start the game off.

I use 0/21/9 masterys on Leona getting awareness and greed for advantage over my opponents. My skill order is Q > E > W > E then following the priority of R>E>Q>W. The reason I rank up eclipse with priority is because frankly it is too good right now, the mobbing capability along with the defensive bonuses help you too much early game along with last hits and champion kills. Becoming minion fed on Leona can make you a very good ganking champion with your ult, and Q, and also a very big threat mid-late game as you will be very hard to kill but pushing out a lot of CC and damage from your ult+eclipse.

Items on Leona aren't much different from an Amumu. You will start the game with a regrowth pendant and jump into lane(I don't get a red potion because you have health regen already). Your build will follow out with THIS. Leona can become a big ganking threat after the phage, and she can become a very good tank late game .

All in all Leona is a very good addition to the game, lets just hope that riot doesn't kill her with nerfs.

PS. I tried jungling with eclipse and it doesn't work. =[

Friday, July 15, 2011

I made my new character and I am ready to go!

Ok, so I created my character on a random realm. I chose the default class and race that I was given which was an orc hunter, on the realm Hydraxis.
I leveled up to 5 from the starter zone quests when to orgrimmar and I learned mining and herbalism. These two gathering professions have the greatest potential for profit each day. The more you farm the more money you make. I set my hearth for orgrimmar and I started to farm. I follow a specific route for farming as shown here.

When following this route you want to mine all of the copper you can find, and pick all of the herbs you pass. While farming you also want to kill the mobs around you, you can loot them and vendor the trash and you get experience to help level up. Remember to go to the town to learn your new skills whenever you can because the better your skills the faster you kill mobs and make money.

I will update you tomorrow with what I got from farming and how to post it on the auction house easily!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Character New Server.

Hey guys, it's 8 am servers are doing rolling restarts and I decided to post a new blog. Starting out on a new server is always hard, you don't know anyone, you need to level up, and the most important thing for a new character is that you need gold. In this blog I will be making a new character on a random server and I will be making gold and teaching everyone that follows this blog how I did it. Keep following the blog to find out all of the info for the new character.